Thursday, February 8, 2007

Le Pondicherry

I love Pondy. Explain later...

Sri Aurobindo Ashram. I stayed here while in Pondi. It overlooked the ocean. Amazing, cheap too. I'm going back

Sri Lord Ganesh. You know he was always my favorite even before your influence Tara.

Auroville Beach path with two wonderful Norwegians, Ashild and Lisa

Auroville Beach. Actually a small rideable wave here

Before you send packages, you must get them sewn up in cloth bags. These shops are located near all the post offices. He did a good job, this one got home safe and sound.

This was my best friend in Pondi. I spent hours everyday with this elephant. Such an Amazing creature.

The Rolex Hotel, a fine establishment. All cooking was done on the sidewalk. Everyone looked at me like what are you doing here gora (white foreigner). Was pretty sure it would get me sick but had to do it anyway.

Pondi's west side at an angle.

The intoxicating plumeria, never get enough.

Mean yoga injury. The yoga can get pretty intense here in India

Pondi jetty

The Mother and Sri Aurobindo, both are idealized in Pondi

Concert by the Sea, love this music

Beauty of India

This guy was so proud to play his harmonica for me...through his nose.

Pondi's beautiful rues

Another rue

A blessing from Ganesh

It's going off, Sick!

Boardwalk, lots of fun at night

1 comment:

omgirl said...

hey taj---unbelievable photos!!!
i just watched a video called "yoga unveiled" which was unbeleivable. wonder if you'll come across it in india?? there were clips in india and it made me want to go there even more & you're totally livin' it!!!! :)
i also want to wish you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!---incase you're not around computers in the upcoming weeks. do something cool & special on your birthday---not many people celebrate their birthdays in distant lands.....
~~~om shanit peace~~~